Hi Mamas,
Happy New Year! I'm so excited that it's January 2023, because, for me, that means I am on the other side of a major, life changing surgery. I underwent a laparoscopy for endometriosis on December 9. The procedure ended up including a surprise appendix removal and, come to find out, women can sometimes have hernias that present differently than hernias in men and these hernias can cause a lot of pain. I had hernias that were being pressed upon by inflammation at certain times of the month when my endometriosis was inflamed creating nerve pain. So, when the endometriosis specialist was finished taking care of her part of the procedure, a hernia specialist came in and repaired four internal hernias, too. I'm nothing if not dedicated to going big or going home!
I share this because I know that all of you are about to or have been through a major life changing experience in your bodies and have been or will soon go through a major healing journey of your own. Because we're all in this together - the experience of living in a body with a uterus - I wanted to share with you three thoughts about recovery I've learned in the past month that I hope will resonate with you, and even give you hope and strength in any moments of fear or doubt.
1. You know your body best.
Never stop being your own health advocate. I could go on and on about the doctors appointments I went to where I simply wasn't listened to, where my symptoms were dismissed as something that didn't require immediate or aggressive care, where I left in tears because I knew something was wrong (and that was WITH a confirmed case of endometriosis from a previous operation in 2008). I spent six months in 2022 researching, devouring everything I could about endometriosis. It was exhausting. But, the pathology report showed that my gut instinct was right and I'll never regret fighting this good fight so that I can soon experience a better quality of life. You know your body best. End of story.
2. Healing is always slower than we want it to be.
Embrace the moment of rest. I am fortunate that I was able to schedule my surgery around the holidays, a time when most people are taking time off of work and their routines to celebrate. I did enjoy some streaming time guilt free over the holidays! However, as I returned to my private teaching schedule this week, I was sore and frustrated. It took a conversation with my mom to remind me that the doctors said it would be an 8-12 week period to a full recovery. I paused, took a deep breath and remembered that at 3 weeks and a few days, my healing journey is only just beginning. I will feel better than ever, and soon. But for now my only job is to prioritize recovery and health. If you're ever feeling like you're not doing enough during pregnancy or as a new parent, this is your permission slip to enjoy the time to rest, fully recover, focus on your health and the health of your baby - it is your only job.
3. A support system is EVERYTHING. Lean on them!
It is SUCH a hard thing for me to ask for help. But, my main takeaway from the past month is that people who care about you really want to help. If you're someone, like me, who finds it difficult being cared for vs. doing all the caring (and even if you're not), now is the time to practice giving yourself a whole lot of grace, and accept love, care and support from your nearest and dearest. It helped me to put myself in their shoes and think about how it feels for me when I get to give back to someone I truly love. It's so easy. It feels natural and right. You are loved and you deserve to be well taken care of too.
Now that I'm on the road to recovery and the new year is here, I can't wait to move and heal with you all on the mat in 2023! I'll be returning to classes at the end of the month, but in the meantime, don't miss class with Amanda and Bianca -- oh how I WISH I could join you! Soon!